But the very next thought that hit me was, "but what about all the other foods in the world?!" You see, if you've read my book "Color By Design: Why You Do What You Do...", you'll know that I'm Green-Orange... What in the world is that you ask? Well, it's a lot logical, a bunch of eccentric and someone who actually thrives in a changing environment! (Maybe you noticed my meal days weren't even in order.) So, the idea of eating the same thing, or for that matter cooking the same thing, every single week, well, that's just stressful. And then that got me thinking about other things, like teaching and projects and exercising - okay, let's scrap exercising, that's in a whole category of its own... but you get the picture. I thought, does being consistent really stress me out? But we are told that consistency is such a good thing, shouldn't I aspire to it? And then I took a step back and started looking at it from another level. I thought about the bachelor's degree that took me twelve years to complete, and the kids I'm raising that is a gradual life-preparation training (not measured in the day by day), and the business that took me five years to finally really get off the ground, and the stepping stones of ministry that have piece by piece become the pathway that I'm meant to walk. I realized that I actually am consistent in a way, and it's in a really important way. I may not be micro-level consistent... Do I have a daily routine, or eagerly take on roles that have an extended obligation, maybe not. But I am macro-level consistent - my life, as I progress along my calling is taking steps on that path. My children are growing in the relationship and understanding of Christ more and more, and a little here and a little there I am marching closer to seeing through each of my goals. I've heard it said, "life is a journey, not a destination". I see this beautifully embodied in the journey of this marco-level consistency. So maybe I am consistent after all, just through a different lens of measurement. I guess I'm not that far off the target after all.
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AuthorI am a writer - a life live'r - a lover of Christ - a worshipper - a visionary - a relentless hopeful. Archives
August 2023
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